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  1. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    I am not sure. In total my funds have already been deducted for 2 months. The other times I tried to renew through different methods no funds were deducted yet so I didn't think those went through. So I don't know what's going on their side right now...
  2. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    I have bought 2 more months that I can be fairly confident about. I have made a few other attempts that did not seem to register with subyshare.
  3. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    Okay, I cleared my cookies for subyshare and renewed again using the link from the subscription date message on the forum. I hope this works otherwise I might have to just wait until this subscription ends and then open a new account to subscribe on, cuz it doesn't seem like subyshare makes it...
  4. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    I don't know what's the expiration date that you can see for me, on my subyshare account overview it now shows Expiration Date 23 October 2024.
  5. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    Okay thanks, I'll fiddle around with it a bit more.
  6. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    My username on subyshare is also dwagdays, i see in the settings menu i have $20 in bonus funds, I'm not sure if that's related.
  7. D

    Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days

    Hi, I paid for a subscription extension to this and another site on subyshare on Aug 17 via crypto. The funds were transferred from my wallet and I saw the subscription date change later that day. But, earlier today I saw that I lost the subscription extension I paid for both sites and the funds...