You can view every posts on the forum without registering, but to see the video links you must subscribe : here , choose your plan (30days, 90days or more), and register a forum account, with same username and email. We will check and approve your account. There is no automatic renewal. Please note you cannot join with Subyshare Premium key.

Question regarding subscription



Hi I'm new here. Can someone explain to me if I sub using subyshare I get access to all videos? Or do I have tonpay extra? I'm confused. And I'm guessing I'll use suby share to download? Then what do i do with the account on this website?
I think I've told you everything on Telegram, but I will sum up for people who weren't there : you Subscribe to Subyshare through our link on top, you create an account here, we verify that your name or email has a paid account with Subyshare, we validate your account so you can see video links and download.
Please, Log in or Register to view quote content!
You have to register an account on this forum, with same email and/or same name. Then we'll check if you paid, and approve you to see the links.

Google translate :
이 포럼에 동일한 이메일 및/또는 동일한 이름으로 계정을 등록해야 합니다. 그러면 결제 여부를 확인한 후 링크를 볼 수 있도록 승인해 드리겠습니다.
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